The Lees leading the singing at Mt. Pisgah Primitive Baptist Church. The hymn text is by William Cowper (1731-1800), a companion of John Newton (“Amazing Grace”). Cowper (pronounced “Cooper”) was miserable for much of his life with scruples and the conviction that he was doomed. However, others came to his assistance and he was one of the composers of the Olney Hymns. You haven’t lived until you’ve been singing these tunes, surrounded by others doing likewise. It honestly feels like flying.
By the way, don’t try to understand the words the first time through the tune - they’re singing the solfège syllables! Want to know more about shape note music - why not head over to
Thankful for so much - for friends and family, for salvation history, for music!
One of the first countries to become Christian, Armenia is a mystery to most of us. This recording done by John Graham at Geghard Monastery is more than beautiful. It is a connection to a different place and time. Graham is a historical musicologist resident in Georgia (the country, not the state) who coordinates tours in this region. His website at John Graham Tours is rich with photos and commentary - and of course, massive amounts of music, both sacred and folk. I stumbled across his site several years ago. And now I'm saving my shekels, pennies, euros, pesos, etc. for a tour. In the meantime, take a look at these amazing countries and people. There is so much beauty in this world when we take our eyes off the sidewalk in front of us, isn't there?
Here's a nice seasonal (OK, a little early) work by a Northern Irish composer. Sean Doherty (born 1987) is also a member of the New Dublin Voices. He has won numerous prizes and is getting a good amount of performance. Interesting note: his Ph.D. dissertation was "Solfaing: A History of Four-Syllable Solmization to the Present Day." I'm sure this would be a treat to read for all the shape-note singers out there with a scholarly bent.
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