
Showing posts from November, 2018

Rorate caeli de super - Welcome to Advent Early

The quintessential Advent prosa with a lovely alternation between chant and harmonization. The harmonization is by Perruchet, about whom I know absolutely nothing. Just enjoy the music! Why early?  I'm going on the road and didn't want to miss Advent I.

Cleansing Fountain - Cooper Book Sacred Harp

The Lees leading the singing at Mt. Pisgah Primitive Baptist Church. The hymn text is by William Cowper (1731-1800), a companion of John Newton (“Amazing Grace”). Cowper (pronounced “Cooper”) was miserable for much of his life with scruples and the conviction that he was doomed. However, others came to his assistance and he was one of the composers of the Olney Hymns. You haven’t lived until you’ve been singing these tunes, surrounded by others doing likewise. It honestly feels like flying. By the way, don’t try to understand the words the first time through the tune - they’re singing the solfège syllables!  Want to know more about shape note music - why not head over to . Thankful for so much - for friends and family, for salvation history, for music!

Morales Requiem Introit

The smooth movement of the parts, almost like the shading of sunlight on a branch. Perfect for All Souls Day.