Evlogitaria of the Resurrection by Kurt Sander

These is a wonderful setting of the Evlogitaria by American composer Kurt Sander. And even better - it's in English with a score you can follow along. These verses, whose title comes from the word "Blessed" are interspersed with the refrain "Blessed are Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes." Over and over the text drives home the great surprise of the resurrection to the women at the tomb (known in Orthodox terminology as "the Myrrh-bearing Women."

While I never sang this arrangement (and wish I had), these verses were the highlight of the Paschal season for me. When we came to the Leave-Taking of Easter, I could hardly wait for another year to roll around.

Sander is a professor at Northern Kentucky University, composes, teaches, and lectures worldwide. You can find out more about him at his website and enjoy his music on YouTube. My own ensemble, Cantorae sang his setting of the Beatitudes, as well as his hymn to the Virgin. He is a light in the world of liturgical music!


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