A Kenyan Hymn in the Shenandoah Valley

Remember when everyone was just crazy for music from Africa thanks to Paul Simon? Here's a great hymn from Kenya, sung at the Shenandoah Christian Music Camp in 2017. 

A spirited text sung with energy by these Anabaptist young people. Camps are held in Virginia, Ohio, and Ontario. And there are lots of wonderful YouTube recordings of the singing.

Translation: Bonse aba mupolela (All who have received Him )
Balipelwa maka yakuba bana ba kwa Lesa (he Has given them the power to be called the children of God) muyaya ba kwa Lesa (everlasting will be called children of God)

These camps are the product of a desire to grow musical ability and understanding among conservative Anabaptists. You can learn more at this website. I really like the idea of "music as a core function of life."

Here's a bit on Anabaptists, if you're interested. Otherwise, just enjoy the singing!

Anabaptists are strict evangelicals who practice adult baptism. They only participate in government and civil affairs in a very limited way and are pacifists. Through their history, they have paid dearly for their beliefs. Groups descended from the early Anabaptists of Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands include Mennonites, Hutterites, and the Amish.

As a student of American religious history, I have always been amazed at all the denominations who found a haven here. (Of course, many young men suffered martyrdom during the 20th century for their stubborn pacifism.)


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