Sacred Miscellany Reborn - A Cappella and Sacred Music

Sacred Miscellany Reborn

Once upon a time, there was a blog called "Sacred Miscellany." I was the author and I loved it. And then one day, it was time for something new. And now it's time for something old and new.

I have one great love - a cappella sacred music.  And that love demands to be shared!

ALL a cappella sacred music.
Byzantine, Latin, Southern, Georgian (the country), Corsican, Russian, etc.
 Old and new.
Anonymous and composed.
Chant and polyphony.
Just voices and just sacred.

My own musical history includes Russian polyphony and Western Gergorian chant and polyphony. I've been a singer, a director, an arranger, and an occasional composer.

My goal is similar to the old Sacred Miscellany: to capture, share, and comment on the wondrous variety of music out there through YouTube links, Sound Cloud, interviews, and links to fascinating places.

I hope you'll join my for the journey! 


  1. Welcome back! While you had great content at the old 'blog, I am looking forward to what you have up your sleeve.

  2. Just waiting for the next installment...


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